This was a compelling read. Very thought provoking…the schema of trust, integrity and self esteem. It makes me reflect on the issues we encounter when in a low trust society….where that comes from and how low self esteem affects trust and how others (even the lives of others) are valued. Seems as though the key to addressing some major systemic issues in fact depends on how we are socializing children and young people. Hard though in a culture of corruption and deceit. Makes me think about how growing up my father told me that personal integrity is the most important thing to have and to protect.

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Thank you! I appreciate your very kind feedback and thoughts. Your father was very kind and wise. Please feel free to share the essay, as I think it triggers lots of good reflection, especially during these days when so many people and institutions put aside their integrity to pursue their objectives with little respect for others.

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Building trust can be such a hard hill to climb in a complex and fast-changing world where so many people feel they have to become shysters to survive. I am glad that your master tailor was Angolan. As a longtime government official in Namibia, I worked extensively with Angolan counterparts on our common oceanic ecosystem (the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) and found a high degree (never universal) of trustworthiness in everyone around me there. Thank you for writing and sharing this wonderful piece.

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